6-9 July 2015
Moscow, Troitsk
Europe/Moscow timezone
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Contribution talk

NICA/MPD Electromagnetic Calorimeter based on Multipixel Avalanche Photodetector



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A Multi Purpose Detector (MPD) is being constructed for the Heavy-Ion Collider at Dubna (NICA). One of the important components of MPD setup is an Electromagnetic Calorimeter, which will operate in the magnetic field of MPD solenoid and provide good energy and space resolution to detect photons in the energy range from ~100MeV to few GeV. For this purpose the, so-called, “shashlyk” sampling structure with the fiber readout to the silicon Multipixel Avalanche Photodetector is used. The genuine design is similar to the one developed by us for COMPASS experiment but a number of important modifications have been introduced to better meet MPD resolution, large volume thermo-stabilization and other requirements. These details are presented in the report along with the beam test results obtained with the MPD/NICA module prototypes.

Autors: N.Anfimov, V.Chalyshev, I.Chirikov-Zorin, Z.Krumshtein,B.Marinova, A.Olshevskiy, T.Rezinko, A.Rybnikov, A.Selyunin, I.Tyapkin

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